Participate in the creation




and get Income every month

Become a partner ALNY and forget
about debts forever

Get ready to discover a new and unique world of possibilities,
which until now has only been available to a select few!

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In you
can earn
on what you
Love and know how to do,

regardless of where you live


More 4949 participants

More 4949 participants have already joined our community, which extends to more than 47 countries around the world.

You can also become part of our family and start earning passive income by earning from different sources of income.

Now imagine what you could

go back in time
and Buy

shares of successful companies before their exponential growth.

For example, Amazon, Microsoft shares or bitcoins at 8 cents

We give
you this opportunity in

What is it

Active and
main type of
in ALNY -
this is the construction of a

Become a partner of our
company and
within 7-8 months, following
simple steps


At ALNY, you not only earn money on sales, but also get the opportunity to earn money on the system of promoting and attracting new sellers, managers and clients.

We have a community of like-minded people who do the same thing

Join us

for 10 dollars In Month

and become a member of the
structural program

We will help you scale your business, connect new clients and partners, and also participate in charity, tourism and investment programs

remember, that

the most profitable type of earnings in alny -
is to become our partner and invite other clients to our company

For $50 you become a company manager.

You get access to the structural and star programs.

Plus you have the opportunity to participate in all other programs, according to company rules.

Fund distribution scheme:

  • goes to structural program (active)

  • goes to star program (passive)

  • goes to your inviter

  • go to higher mentor

Charity program

  • $4 of your contributions will be transferred to a charitable foundation

  • Every month the system mixes participants - a real chance for a place at the very top and to earn more in a month than in many years

  • +1$ for each invited partner

  • Subscription fee - $15 per month

Learn more


  • 10 days of free accommodation in a tourist village near Kobuleti, Georgia

  • Passive income

Learn more


  • Support of professional brokers

  • 100% guarantee deposit return

  • Up to 20% per month of the deposit amount

Learn more

Star program

One of the key features of our star program is the automatic structure building system

We do not use referral dependence, and each participant receives its structure of project participants automatically in a random (random) order.

Your structure is being built

and effective

according to a unique “Star” system, which allows each participant to receive their benefits, creating passive in Learn more

our team
today and start earning

our team
today and start earning

We offer the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world and according to your schedule.

You will be free

We haveno restrictions on age,education or work experience.

All you need is a desire to learn,

develop and earn money

We provide full support and training at all stages of work so that you feel confident and successful.

Download our application

from the official PlayMarket store


read the REVIEWS of those who are already with us